We need a new generation of diverse 和 skilled public servants to keep us safe, 应对紧急情况, design high-impact social programs 和 engage in cutting-edge research. But the federal government is currently failing to recruit 和 retain them.
There are many reasons why our government is struggling:
- 它的品牌严重受损.
- 招聘过程漫长而复杂.
- 工资制度已经过时了.
- Opportunities for young people are hidden 和 scarce.
- Federal employee engagement lags behind that of the private sector.
We help government address these critical talent gaps by advocating for policies that improve the hiring process, administering internship 和 fellowship programs that inspire young, 多元化人才为电子竞技押注平台, 和 helping agencies design 和 implement new recruitment 和 retention strategies. 集体, this work helps fill the federal talent pipeline 和 remove the barriers to a career in government.
下载劳动力 products PDFGoGovernment
有兴趣为电子竞技押注平台工作? GoGovernment guides you through the federal application process from start to finish no matter your experience level. Offering practical tips on how to apply for 和 secure a federal job, site outlines the various types of positions 和 specialty areas that match your skills 和 interests, 提供有关联邦工资和福利的信息, 特色证词从联邦雇员, 并帮助您浏览USAJOBS, 政府的中央就业委员会.
Visit GoGovernment to take the first step in building your federal career. Please note that we do not post job announcements or accept applications.
We take a multi-faceted approach to make it easier for agencies to acquire critical talent, creating custom programs that meet specific hiring 和 recruiting needs, championing key legislative 和 regulatory reforms that open new doors to public service, developing internship 和 fellowship programs that expose students 和 other professionals to federal careers, 和 conducting in-depth research that diagnoses talent challenges 和 promotes effective 和 widely applicable hiring strategies.
Our work draws on our experiences working with multiple agencies 和 hundreds of leaders across the federal government. Find out more about our impact on college students by visiting our 电子竞技押注平台路演 页面.
我们的团契, internship 和 talent exchange programs offer students 和 professionals working outside the public sector with valuable work experience in the federal government. Participants take on new professional responsibilities, benefit from leadership development opportunities 和 fill mission-critical roles in various federal agencies, developing the skills that enable career success 和 open new doors to government work.
了解更多 了解我们的影响电子竞技押注平台最佳工作场所®
The 美国电子竞技押注平台最佳工作场所 排名 offer the most authoritative assessment of how federal public servants view their jobs 和 workplaces. 由合伙企业和 波士顿咨询集团, 排名 provide employee perspectives on issues such as leadership, pay, work-life balance 和 more. 最佳工作场所 data enables leaders to measure employee engagement in their workforce 和 better manage our government’s most important asset—its public servants.
了解更多 了解我们的影响在电子竞技押注平台上
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